= Install Barrett System to a CF Card = Install bootstrap system: {{{ # Get the core system (on any Linux system) wget http://web.barrett.com/support/WAM_Installer/sysroot910.tar.bz2 # Unzip it sudo tar xvjf sysroot910.tar.bz2 -OR- # Use debootstrap (on a Karmic system) mkdir sysroot sudo debootstrap karmic sysroot http://ubuntu.media.mit.edu/ubuntu sudo chroot sysroot apt-get clean exit sudo tar cvjf sysroot910.tar.bz2 sysroot }}} Switch to the bootstrap system (chroot): {{{ sudo mount --bind /dev sysroot/dev sudo mount --bind /proc sysroot/proc sudo mount --bind /sys sysroot/sys sudo chroot sysroot }}} Add packages: {{{ # Add security update repository echo "deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu karmic-security main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list apt-get update apt-get install language-pack-en-base apt-get install linux-image grub man gcc gdb patch ncurses-dev wget screen openssh-server subversion doxygen graphviz rsync lm-sensors Optional (for GUI desktop): # Repository for flashplugin-nonfree echo "deb http://ubuntu.media.mit.edu/ubuntu karmic multiverse" >> /etc/apt/sources.list # Repository for meld, eclipse, geany, vlc, midori echo "deb http://ubuntu.media.mit.edu/ubuntu karmic universe" >> /etc/apt/sources.list apt-get update apt-get install xorg gdm gksu synaptic gnome-terminal update-notifier meld geany gvfs-fuse apt-get install human-theme system-config-printer-gnome gnome-network-admin file-roller gnumeric abiword vlc network-manager-gnome gdebi apt-get install evince minicom rdesktop midori flashplugin-nonfree conky gcalctool gnome-utils gnome-applets tsclient wine eclipse # apt-get install gnome-themes-selected gnome-icon-theme hicolor-icon-theme human-icon-theme xsplash ubuntu-xsplash-artwork # dpkg-reconfigure gdm (start gdm automatically) # # wget http://web.barrett.com/support/WAM_Installer/CompareUsingMeld ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/CompareUsingMeld }}} Install Xenomai kernel: {{{ # Get a tarfile of all preconfigured kernel sources and binaries wget http://web.barrett.com/support/WAM_Installer/ubuntu910xen252.tar.bz2 tar xvjf ubuntu910xen252.tar.bz2 rm ubuntu910xen252.tar.bz2 -OR- cd /usr/src # Get the base kernel wget http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/linux-2.6.31.tar.bz2 # Get the Ubuntu 9.10 kernel patches wget http://web.barrett.com/support/WAM_Installer/linux_2.6.31-14.48.diff.gz # Get Xenomai wget http://download.gna.org/xenomai/stable/xenomai-2.5.2.tar.bz2 # Get the Barrett-modified Adeos patch to support Ubuntu's instead of the default wget http://web.barrett.com/support/WAM_Installer/adeos-ipipe- # Unzip the kernel source tar xvjf linux-2.6.31.tar.bz2 # Make a handy link ln -sf linux-2.6.31 linux # Unzip the Xenomai sources tar xvjf xenomai-2.5.2.tar.bz2 # Make a handy link ln -sf xenomai-2.5.2 xenomai # Change to the linux source directory cd linux # Apply Ubuntu patches gunzip ../linux_2.6.31-14.48.diff.gz -c |patch -p1 # Apply Adeos patch patch -p1 < ../adeos-ipipe- # Apply Xenomai patches ../xenomai-2.5.2/scripts/prepare-kernel.sh --linux=/usr/src/linux --arch=i686 # Grab the default Ubuntu kernel config to use as a starting point cp /boot/config-2.6.31-20-generic .config # Update the config with the newly-patched features (accept all defaults) yes "" |make oldconfig # Customize the kernel configuration make menuconfig General setup: Local version => -ipipe Processor type/features: no sparse IRQ, Processor family => Core2, no Enable -fstack-protector Power management: no ACPI Processor, no APM, no CPU Frequency scaling Device Drivers:Input Device:Misc: no PC speaker Real-time sub-system: add Shared interrupts, add Machine:SMI:Enable SMI, add Drivers:Serial:16550A, add Drivers:CAN:Philips:PEAK PCI Kernel hacking: no Kernel debugging # Build the kernel and associated driver modules make; make install; make modules_install # Create the initial ramdisk update-initramfs -c -k # Save the config cp .config config-xenomai # Remove the object files to save space make mrproper }}} If you are installing this on a running system: {{{ # Exit the chroot environment exit sudo umount ~/sysroot/dev sudo umount ~/sysroot/proc sudo umount ~/sysroot/sys # Copy the new kernel, related modules, and source sudo cp ~/sysroot/boot/*ipipe /boot sudo cp -a ~/sysroot/lib/modules/ /lib/modules sudo cp -a ~/sysroot/usr/src/* /usr/src # Create a group for users allowed to execute realtime tasks sudo addgroup xenomai (take note of the group ID assigned) # Add yourself to the xenomai group sudo usermod -aG xenomai # Update your bootloader with the new kernel and initrd # The steps required depend on your system # Just make sure to append the kernel option "xeno_nucleus.xenomai_gid=1001" # If your "xenomai" group has a different group ID, use it here # Reboot, then skip down to "Compile and test Xenomai runtime" }}} If this is a new install to be copied to a fresh disk, set up initial environment: {{{ # Add the 'robot' user adduser robot password = WAM addgroup xenomai addgroup admin echo '%admin ALL=(ALL) ALL' >> /etc/sudoers usermod -G adm,cdrom,audio,video,plugdev,admin,xenomai robot # Set the host name echo 'WAM' > /etc/hostname # Set the localhost entry echo ' localhost WAM' > /etc/hosts # Set up the time zone echo 'America/New_York' > /etc/timezone dpkg-reconfigure -f noninteractive tzdata # Clear the apt package cache apt-get clean # Get the file system table wget http://web.barrett.com/support/WAM_Installer/fstabAtom -O /etc/fstab # Get the network interface config file wget http://web.barrett.com/support/WAM_Installer/interfacesAtom -O /etc/network/interfaces # Get the modules file wget http://web.barrett.com/support/WAM_Installer/modulesAtom -O /etc/modules # Get the rc.local file wget http://web.barrett.com/support/WAM_Installer/rcAtom -O /etc/rc.local # wget /etc/conky/conky.conf exit sudo umount ~/sysroot/dev sudo umount ~/sysroot/proc sudo umount ~/sysroot/sys }}} Format new disk (use the 9.10 install CD if your parted does not support ext4): {{{ umount /media/ sudo parted /dev/sdb (or wherever the new disk is) print (make sure this is the device you want to use) mklabel msdos mkpart primary ext2 0 64 mkpart primary ext4 64 8192 set 1 boot on quit sudo mkfs.ext2 /dev/sdb1 (or wherever the first new partition is) sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb2 (or wherever the second new partition is) }}} Copy system to new disk: {{{ sudo mkdir -p /media/sdb2/boot sudo mount /dev/sdb2 /media/sdb2 sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/sdb2/boot sudo cp -av ~/sysroot/* /media/sdb2 }}} Install bootloader: {{{ sudo mount --bind /dev /media/sdb2/dev sudo mount --bind /proc /media/sdb2/proc sudo mount --bind /sys /media/sdb2/sys sudo chroot /media/sdb2 cp /usr/lib/grub/i386-pc/* /boot/grub wget http://web.barrett.com/support/WAM_Installer/menu.lstAtom -O /boot/grub/menu.lst grub find /grub/grubenv root (hd1,0) setup (hd1) quit # Erase unused sectors (for better drive image compression) # Takes up to 30 minutes. Only do this if you plan on imaging the drive. dd if=/dev/zero of=delme bs=8M; rm delme # Exit the chroot environment and unmount everything exit sudo umount /media/sdb2/dev sudo umount /media/sdb2/proc sudo umount /media/sdb2/sys sudo umount /media/sdb2/boot sudo umount /media/sdb2 }}} Boot into new system {{{ Remove disk from host PC Install disk in target PC Boot target PC }}} Compile and test Xenomai runtime: {{{ cd /usr/src/xenomai sudo ./configure sudo make sudo make install bash /usr/xenomai/bin/xeno-test }}} Install video drivers (Intel GMA500/Poulsbo) {{{ TBD }}} Install Barrett software {{{ TBD }}} Set up swap space: {{{ Not for CF }}} Shut down the target PC {{{ sudo shutdown -h now }}} !!! DONE !!! '''Installing fsarchiver''' {{{ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:randomaction/ppa sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install fsarchiver }}} '''Make filesystem images using fsarchiver''' {{{ # Unmount the new drive sudo umount /media/* time sudo fsarchiver -v -z 7 -L "Kernel, P3, no EDID" savefs wamBoot.fsa /dev/sdb1 time sudo fsarchiver -v -z 7 -L "Ubuntu 9.10, Xenomai 2.5.2, SocketCAN" savefs wamRoot.fsa /dev/sdb2 }}} '''Restore filesystem images to a new disk using fsarchiver''' {{{ # Unmount the new drive sudo umount /media/* # Use parted to partition the disk sudo parted -s /dev/sdb mklabel msdos sudo parted -s /dev/sdb mkpart primary 0 64 sudo parted -s /dev/sdb mkpart primary 64 8192 sudo parted -s /dev/sdb set 1 boot on # Restore the filesystem images time sudo fsarchiver -v restfs wamBoot.fsa id=0,dest=/dev/sdb1 time sudo fsarchiver -v restfs wamRoot.fsa id=0,dest=/dev/sdb2 # Mount the new system sudo mkdir -p /media/sdb2/boot sudo mount /dev/sdb2 /media/sdb2 sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/sdb2/boot # Install the bootloader sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/sdb2/ hd1 # Unmount sudo umount /media/sdb2/boot sudo umount /media/sdb2 }}} '''Make a disk image using dd''' {{{ # Read from the CompactFlash # Takes about 30 min for an 8GB CF disk, be patient sudo dd if=/dev/sdb bs=1k |gzip >cf.img.gz }}} '''Restore a disk image to a new disk using dd''' {{{ # Write to the CompactFlash # Can take >> 30 min for an 8GB CF disk, be patient zcat cf.img.gz | sudo dd of=/dev/sdb bs=1k }}} Shrink an ext2 filesystem to its minimum size: {{{ tune2fs -O ^has_journal /dev/sda1 (dash cap oh) (ext3->ext2, delete journal) fsck.ext2 -f /dev/sda1 (check filesystem) resize2fs -M /dev/sda1 (shrink filesystem) }}} Take note of the output from resize2fs above. It is listed in 4k blocks. But fdisk expects sizes to be specified in 1k blocks, so when you resize the partition, take the above number and multiply by 4.03 (absolute minimum, no room to grow). Shrink the partition (for efficient imaging): {{{ fdisk /dev/sda d n 1, start cyl = 1, size = +x (calculated above) a 1 w q }}}