Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of Burt-Research/KinematicsJointRangesConversionFactors

Dec 5, 2017, 5:36:55 PM (7 years ago)



  • Burt-Research/KinematicsJointRangesConversionFactors

    v4 v5  
    1212=== D-H parameters ===
    14 D-H frames are defined roughly as shown in Figure 1 when the robot is in its zero position (NOT the robot’s home position). Note that the joint range of Joint 3 (Table 2) prevents BURT from actually reaching this position. Frames 0 and 1 are located at the intersection of the J1 and J2 axes. Frame 2 is coincident to the J3 axis. The frame 3 origin is coincident to the center of the haptic ball when it points straight up. The D-H parameters do not change between left- and right-handed configurations. However, the configuration files do contain separate world-to-base transforms for each configuration. These transforms define the origin of the world frame to be at the user’s sternum, 540 mm from the X1-Z1 plane along Z0. The diagram shows the locations of the world origin in left-handed and right-handed robot configurations. A positive joint motion is based on the right hand rule for each axis.
     14D-H frames are defined roughly as shown in Figure 1 when the robot is in its zero position (NOT the robot’s home position). Note that the joint range of Joint 3 (Table 2) prevents BURT from actually reaching this position. Frames 0 and 1 are located at the intersection of the J1 and J2 axes. Frame 2 is coincident to the J3 axis. The frame 3 origin is coincident to the center of the haptic ball when it points straight up. The D-H parameters do not change between left- and right-handed configurations. However, the configuration files do contain separate world-to-base transforms for each configuration. These transforms define the origin of the world frame to be at the user’s sternum, 550 mm from the X1-Z1 plane along Z0. The diagram shows the locations of the world origin in left-handed and right-handed robot configurations. A positive joint motion is based on the right hand rule for each axis.
    67 Each of the joints has a mechanical stop that limits the motion. Table 2 below shows a complete listing of the joint limits for each axis. 3R and 3L correspond to joint limits for joint 3 in the right and left configurations, respectively.
    69 {{{
    70 #!div class="center" align="center"
    71 '''Table 2: Joint Limits'''
    72 ||Joint||Positive Joint Limit Rad (deg)||Negative Joint Limit Rad (deg)
    73 ||1||+0.56 (+32)||-1.01 (-58)
    74 ||2||+0.96 (+55)||-0.96 (-55)
    75 ||3R||+2.84 (+163)||+0.40 (+23)
    76 ||3L||-0.40 (-23)||-2.84 (-163)
    77 }}}
    7969'''Forward Kinematics for BURT'''
    9282'''Equation 3: Tool end tip position and orientation equation for BURT'''
     86=== Joint Ranges ===
     88Each of the joints has a mechanical stop that limits the motion. Table 2 below shows a complete listing of the joint limits for each axis. 3R and 3L correspond to joint limits for joint 3 in the right and left configurations, respectively.
     91#!div class="center" align="center"
     92'''Table 2: Joint Limits'''
     93||Joint||Positive Joint Limit Rad (deg)||Negative Joint Limit Rad (deg)
     94||1||+0.26 (+15)||-1.01 (-58)
     95||2||+0.96 (+55)||-0.96 (-55)
     96||3R||+2.84 (+163)||+0.40 (+23)
     97||3L||-0.40 (-23)||-2.84 (-163)