Version 10 (modified by cv, 9 years ago) (diff)


Warranty/Subscription-Support (“WSS”) Policies

Revised 2016-February-16

Thank you for choosing robotic equipment (“Product”) from Barrett Technology, Inc. (“Barrett”). Barrett strives to deliver quality Product and professional after-sale support. Barrett’s Product is backed by both its Warranty and its Subscription Support.

  1. Barrett’s “Warranty” covers defects in workmanship and materials.
  2. Barrett’s “Subscription Support” covers:
    1. regular updates and upgrades to firmware and software.
    2. technical support in the application of the Robotic component(s) (the “Product”) from Barrett.

The cost of both Warranty and Subscription Support are automatically included in the base price of the Product during the first year, from the original date of shipment of the Product.

Limited Warranty

The Warranty/Subscription-Support (“WSS”) policy is consistent across all Barrett Products. Barrett warrants that the Product is free from defects in workmanship and materials under normal use for a period of one (1) year from the date of shipment.

Conditions of Warranty

The Warranty shall be void if the Product is damaged as a result of:

  1. Neglect, alteration, power fluctuation, or accident.
  2. Improper use, including failure to follow operating instructions or maintenance and environmental conditions prescribed on Barrett’s Support Site
  3. Service or repair by anyone other than Barrett or Barrett’s resellers acting in accordance with Barrett’s service requirements.
  4. Use of supplies or parts other than those distributed by Barrett.
  5. Use of the Product with incompatible robot arms, computers, peripheral equipment, or software.

Warranty shall not extend to any Product on which the original identification marks or serial numbers have been defaced, removed, or altered.

While Barrett has been a pioneer in human-interactive robot safety, ROBOTS ARE INHERENTLY DANGEROUS. BARRETT SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR PERSONAL INJURY, DEATH, OR PROPERTY DAMAGE in whole or in part arising from the use of Barrett’s Product. Barrett shall not be liable under any circumstances for consequential damages.

Aircraft-grade drive cables give Barrett’s robots their performance edge. Adjusting pretension via the automated pretension routine on a regular basis (each 40 hours of constant use in most applications) will extend the life of the cables. If and when needed, cable replacement is relatively simple (there is a set of short video clips that guide the way), so the job can be done on-site. From a warranty perspective, Barrett treats cables the way that car manufacturers treat tires. The harder the user(s) drive them, the shorter their useful life. And, as is the case with car tires, the customer ultimately is responsible for their purchase and replacement.

The WSS, while valid, shall provide the following:

  1. Replacement or repair, at Barrett’s discretion, of any defective part, without charge.
  2. Technical support by email, Skype(tm), or remote desktop sessions.
  3. Access to the latest files on the customer-only portion of the Barrett Technology web site:
    1. Software installers.
    2. Firmware updates.
    3. Performance analyses.
    4. Video tutorials.

Barrett may change this WSS policy at any time without notice.

Return Procedure

The customer must contact Barrett’s technical-support department at support@… to obtain a Return-Merchandise Authorization (“RMA”) number. The RMA number shall be included on all the shipping documents to Barrett. Barrett will inform the customer which components need to be returned. The customer shall pay for shipping to Barrett. Barrett shall pay for return shipping excluding any and all duties, taxes, customs fees, surcharges, or other costs.

Extending WSS

WSS may be extended at any time by one (1), two (2), or three (3) years. While Barrett may send a WSS renewal reminder ahead of the end of the existing period, it is up to the user not to allow the WSS to lapse.

Lapsed WSS

If WSS lapses, the customer must pay any charges to inspect and bring the equipment up to good working condition before the WSS may be extended. For Product no longer covered by WSS, repairs may be made and technical support will be available for a fee. When requested, Barrett will generate a quotation for the estimated cost of parts, labor, and post-repair shipping charges for all repairs. Likewise, Barrett will generate quotations for specific requests for technical support.