Version 1 (modified by kpm, 13 years ago) (diff)

Created Eclipse IDE Installation and Configuration Instructions.

IDE Installation and Configuration - Ubuntu


The following installation instructions are for Eclipse CDT (C/C++ Development Tooling).

Eclipse CDT allows for syntax highlighting, auto-completion, visual debugging, easy source navigation as well as other useful tools.

Eclipse CDT can either be added to an existing Eclipse installation or installed from source. This tutorial will focus on the latter.

Download and Install Eclipse CDT Indigo for Developers:
Be sure to choose the correct version (32 or 64 bit from the right menu)

Move the tarball to the installation directory of your choice for installation.

tar -zxvf yourfile.tar.gz
rm -rf yourfile.tar.gz

You should now be able to run eclipse.

cd eclipse

In order to start eclipse from the command line, your directory of choice must be in the unix PATH environment variable.

echo $PATH
#If the path is not present you can add it permanently with the following command.
echo 'export PATH="$PATH:/path_to/directory_of_choice/eclipse"' >> ~/.bashrc && . ~/.bashrc
#You should now be able to start eclipse from the command line

Creating Eclipse project files:
In the directory of the project file that you would like to export simply:

cmake . -G"Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles"

Importing generated Eclipse project files:
In Eclipse:
File --> Import --> General --> Existing Projects into Workspace --> Next --> Browse
Browse to your package's root directory and hit OK
Finish the import by selecting the finish button.

Your project should now be imported into Eclipse and can be viewed in the Project Explorer on the left side of the IDE.

Other useful tools and plugins

Barrett Technology Auto Formatting

Download the BTech Automatic Formatting Template

#Navigate to a directory of choice

In Eclipse:
Window-->Preferences-->C/C++-->Code Style-->Import Browse to your BTech_Format.xml and hit OK
Hit apply and OK.

Your Eclipse projects should now follow the Barrett Technology conventions.

To apply the formatting to an existing file:
Open file --> Source --> Format

Adding Python IDE for Eclipse - PyDev

PyDev is a great IDE for Python development.

PyDev also has much of the advantages of CDT; auto-completion, synatax highlighting, auto formatting, etc.

Note: the following instructions are for Eclipse Indigo Help --> Eclipse Marketplace
Search for: PyDev or python. The first result will be PyDev.
Install PyDev. This may require restarting Eclipse.

You should now have all of the aforementioned python tools.

Installing Eclipse Color Themes

Eclipse color theme plugin allows for automatic color formatting of the IDE.

Note: the following instructions are for Eclipse Indigo Help --> Eclipse Marketplace
Search for: eclipse color theme. Install Eclipse Color Theme by Felix Dahlke and Roger Dudler.

After installation you can apply a color theme by: Window-->Preferences-->General-->Appereance-->Color Theme - choose the theme of your choice and apply.