21 | | || I = (0.002589, 0.91632, -0.40043) || P = 0.0004585 || |
22 | | || I = (0.012313, -0.40043, -0.91624) || P = 0.00063093 || |
23 | | || I = (-0.99992, -0.0025583, -0.012319) || P = 0.00068112 || |
24 | | |
25 | | Moments of inertia: (kilograms * square meters) |
26 | | |
| 25 | Ix = (0.0025349, 0.91612, -0.4009) Px = 0.00047536 |
| 26 | Iy = (0.012636, -0.40089, -0.91604) Py = 0.0006507 |
| 27 | Iz = (-0.99992, -0.0027435, -0.012592) Pz = 0.00069861 |
| 28 | |
| 29 | Moments of inertia: ( kilograms * square meters ) |
28 | | || Lx = 0.00068111 || Ly = 2.8066e-007 || Lz = -7.9704e-007 || |
29 | | || Lx = 2.8066e-007 || Ly = 0.00048615 || Lz = -6.327e-005 || |
30 | | || Lx = -7.9704e-007 || Ly = -6.327e-005 || Lz = 0.00060329 || |
31 | | |
32 | | Moments of inertia (kilograms * square meters), taken at the output coordinate system: |
33 | | || Ix = 0.0015341 || Iy = 1.4013e-007 || Iz = 3.5309e-007 |
34 | | || Ix = 1.4013e-007 || Iy = 0.0013266 || Iz = -0.00016597 |
35 | | || Ix = 3.5309e-007 || Iy = -0.00016597 || Iz = 0.00061584 |
36 | | |
| 31 | Lxx = 0.0006986 Lxy = 2.7577e-007 Lxz = -7.8138e-007 |
| 32 | Lyx = 2.7577e-007 Lyy = 0.00050354 Lyz = -6.44e-005 |
| 33 | Lzx = -7.8138e-007 Lzy = -6.44e-005 Lzz = 0.00062253 |
| 34 | |
| 35 | Moments of inertia: ( kilograms * square meters ) |
| 36 | Taken at the output coordinate system. |
| 37 | Ixx = 0.001556 Ixy = 1.4013e-007 Ixz = 3.5309e-007 |
| 38 | Iyx = 1.4013e-007 Iyy = 0.0013488 Iyz = -0.00016547 |
| 39 | Izx = 3.5309e-007 Izy = -0.00016547 Izz = 0.00063461 |
44 | | Mass = 0.57591 kilograms |
45 | | |
46 | | Volume = 0.00018593 cubic meters |
47 | | |
48 | | Surface area = 0.20677 square meters |
49 | | |
50 | | Center of mass (meters): |
51 | | X = 5.2857e-005 Y = -0.0052276 Z = 0.037177 |
52 | | |
53 | | Principal axes of inertia and principal moments of inertia (kilograms * square meters), taken at the center of mass: |
54 | | || I = (0.0027985, 0.90135, -0.43308) || P = 0.00043742 |
55 | | || I = (0.016034, -0.43307, -0.90122) || P = 0.00061862 |
56 | | || I = (-0.99987, -0.0044222, -0.015665) || P = 0.00065431 |
57 | | |
58 | | Moments of inertia (kilograms * square meters), taken at the center of mass and aligned with the output coordinate system: |
59 | | || Lx = 0.0006543 || Ly = 2.9926e-007 || Lz = -7.786e-007 |
60 | | || Lx = 2.9926e-007 || Ly = 0.00047141 || Lz = -7.0735e-005 |
61 | | || Lx = -7.786e-007 || Ly = -7.0735e-005 || Lz = 0.00058465 |
62 | | |
63 | | Moments of inertia (kilograms * square meters), taken at the output coordinate system: |
64 | | || Ix = 0.001466 || Iy = 1.4013e-007 || Iz = 3.5309e-007 |
65 | | || Ix = 1.4013e-007 || Iy = 0.0012674 || Iz = -0.00018266 |
66 | | || Ix = 3.5309e-007 || Iy = -0.00018266 || Iz = 0.00060039 |
| 47 | Mass = 0.59573 kilograms |
| 48 | |
| 49 | Volume = 0.00023933 cubic meters |
| 50 | |
| 51 | Surface area = 0.23262 square meters |
| 52 | |
| 53 | Center of mass: ( meters ) |
| 54 | X = 5.1098e-005 |
| 55 | Y = -0.0050433 |
| 56 | Z = 0.036671 |
| 57 | |
| 58 | Principal axes of inertia and principal moments of inertia: ( kilograms * square meters ) |
| 59 | Taken at the center of mass. |
| 60 | Ix = (0.0027331, 0.90166, -0.43244) Px = 0.00045391 |
| 61 | Iy = (0.01699, -0.43242, -0.90151) Py = 0.00063852 |
| 62 | Iz = (-0.99985, -0.0048831, -0.016501) Pz = 0.00067156 |
| 63 | |
| 64 | Moments of inertia: ( kilograms * square meters ) |
| 65 | Taken at the center of mass and aligned with the output coordinate system. |
| 66 | Lxx = 0.00067154 Lxy = 2.9365e-007 Lxz = -7.6321e-007 |
| 67 | Lyx = 2.9365e-007 Lyy = 0.00048844 Lyz = -7.1984e-005 |
| 68 | Lzx = -7.6321e-007 Lzy = -7.1984e-005 Lzz = 0.00060401 |
| 69 | |
| 70 | Moments of inertia: ( kilograms * square meters ) |
| 71 | Taken at the output coordinate system. |
| 72 | Ixx = 0.0014878 Ixy = 1.4013e-007 Ixz = 3.5309e-007 |
| 73 | Iyx = 1.4013e-007 Iyy = 0.0012896 Iyz = -0.00018216 |
| 74 | Izx = 3.5309e-007 Izy = -0.00018216 Izz = 0.00061916 |