Changes between Version 5 and Version 6 of Hand/280/MassByJoint

Jul 31, 2012, 4:21:15 AM (13 years ago)



  • Hand/280/MassByJoint

    v5 v6  
    11= Inertial Tensors and Mass Properties for the BarrettHand BH8-280 =
    3 The inertial properties calculated here represent the masses and inertias of each link of the BarrettHand BH8-280. All calculations were made using SolidWorks 2012 SP 3.0 and CAD models that include all mechanical components of the hand (including fasteners) and all electrical components except wiring. The mass of an actual finger was measured at
     3The inertial properties calculated here represent the masses and inertias of each link of the BarrettHand BH8-280. All calculations were made using SolidWorks 2012 SP 3.0 and CAD models that include all mechanical components of the hand (including fasteners) and all electrical components except wiring. To verify that masses were correct, The mass of an actual finger was measured at
    1618Surface area = 0.24908 square meters
    18 Center of mass: ( meters )
    19         X = 5.0019e-005
    20         Y = -0.0044561
    21         Z = 0.037268
    23 Principal axes of inertia and principal moments of inertia: ( kilograms * square meters )
     20Center of mass: (meters)
     21 X = 5.0019e-005 Y = -0.0044561 Z = 0.037268
     23Principal axes of inertia and principal moments of inertia: (kilograms * square meters)
    2424Taken at the center of mass.
    25          Ix = (0.0025349, 0.91612, -0.4009)     Px = 0.00047536
    26          Iy = (0.012636, -0.40089, -0.91604)    Py = 0.0006507
    27          Iz = (-0.99992, -0.0027435, -0.012592)         Pz = 0.00069861
    29 Moments of inertia: ( kilograms * square meters )
     25 || Ix = (0.0025349, 0.91612, -0.4009) || Px = 0.00047536
     26 || Iy = (0.012636, -0.40089, -0.91604) || Py = 0.0006507
     27 || Iz = (-0.99992, -0.0027435, -0.012592) || Pz = 0.00069861
     29Moments of inertia: (kilograms * square meters)
    3030Taken at the center of mass and aligned with the output coordinate system.
    31         Lxx = 0.0006986 Lxy = 2.7577e-007       Lxz = -7.8138e-007
    32         Lyx = 2.7577e-007       Lyy = 0.00050354        Lyz = -6.44e-005
    33         Lzx = -7.8138e-007      Lzy = -6.44e-005        Lzz = 0.00062253
    35 Moments of inertia: ( kilograms * square meters )
     31 || Lxx = 0.0006986 || Lxy = 2.7577e-007 || Lxz = -7.8138e-007
     32 || Lyx = 2.7577e-007 || Lyy = 0.00050354 || Lyz = -6.44e-005
     33 || Lzx = -7.8138e-007 || Lzy = -6.44e-005 || Lzz = 0.00062253
     35Moments of inertia: (kilograms * square meters)
    3636Taken at the output coordinate system.
    37         Ixx = 0.001556  Ixy = 1.4013e-007       Ixz = 3.5309e-007
    38         Iyx = 1.4013e-007       Iyy = 0.0013488 Iyz = -0.00016547
    39         Izx = 3.5309e-007       Izy = -0.00016547       Izz = 0.00063461
     37 || Ixx = 0.001556 || Ixy = 1.4013e-007 || Ixz = 3.5309e-007
     38 || Iyx = 1.4013e-007 || Iyy = 0.0013488 || Iyz = -0.00016547
     39 || Izx = 3.5309e-007 || Izy = -0.00016547 || Izz = 0.00063461
    4141== Mass Properties for Frame W (hand base frame) without palm pad ==
    5151Surface area = 0.23262 square meters
    53 Center of mass: ( meters )
    54         X = 5.1098e-005
    55         Y = -0.0050433
    56         Z = 0.036671
    58 Principal axes of inertia and principal moments of inertia: ( kilograms * square meters )
     53Center of mass: (meters)
     54 X = 5.1098e-005
     55 Y = -0.0050433
     56 Z = 0.036671
     58Principal axes of inertia and principal moments of inertia: (kilograms * square meters)
    5959Taken at the center of mass.
    60          Ix = (0.0027331, 0.90166, -0.43244)    Px = 0.00045391
    61          Iy = (0.01699, -0.43242, -0.90151)     Py = 0.00063852
    62          Iz = (-0.99985, -0.0048831, -0.016501)         Pz = 0.00067156
    64 Moments of inertia: ( kilograms * square meters )
     60 || Ix = (0.0027331, 0.90166, -0.43244) || Px = 0.00045391
     61 || Iy = (0.01699, -0.43242, -0.90151) || Py = 0.00063852
     62 || Iz = (-0.99985, -0.0048831, -0.016501) || Pz = 0.00067156
     64Moments of inertia: (kilograms * square meters)
    6565Taken at the center of mass and aligned with the output coordinate system.
    66         Lxx = 0.00067154        Lxy = 2.9365e-007       Lxz = -7.6321e-007
    67         Lyx = 2.9365e-007       Lyy = 0.00048844        Lyz = -7.1984e-005
    68         Lzx = -7.6321e-007      Lzy = -7.1984e-005      Lzz = 0.00060401
    70 Moments of inertia: ( kilograms * square meters )
     66 || Lxx = 0.00067154 || Lxy = 2.9365e-007 || Lxz = -7.6321e-007
     67 || Lyx = 2.9365e-007 || Lyy = 0.00048844 || Lyz = -7.1984e-005
     68 || Lzx = -7.6321e-007 || Lzy = -7.1984e-005 || Lzz = 0.00060401
     70Moments of inertia: (kilograms * square meters)
    7171Taken at the output coordinate system.
    72         Ixx = 0.0014878 Ixy = 1.4013e-007       Ixz = 3.5309e-007
    73         Iyx = 1.4013e-007       Iyy = 0.0012896 Iyz = -0.00018216
    74         Izx = 3.5309e-007       Izy = -0.00018216       Izz = 0.00061916
     72 || Ixx = 0.0014878 || Ixy = 1.4013e-007 || Ixz = 3.5309e-007
     73 || Iyx = 1.4013e-007 || Iyy = 0.0012896 || Iyz = -0.00018216
     74 || Izx = 3.5309e-007 || Izy = -0.00018216 || Izz = 0.00061916
    9393Principal axes of inertia and principal moments of inertia (kilograms * square meters), taken at the center of mass:
    94  || I = (-0.99149, -0.0047957, -0.13013)  || P = 1.9838e-005
    95  || I = (0.13011, 0.0033343, -0.99149)  || P = 6.904e-005
    96  || I = (0.0051888, -0.99998, -0.0026819)  || P = 7.4106e-005
    98 Moments of inertia (kilograms * square meters), taken at the center of mass and aligned with the output coordinate system:
    99  || Lx = 2.0672e-005 || Ly = 2.6024e-007 || Lz = 6.3481e-006
    100  || Lx = 2.6024e-007 || Ly = 7.4105e-005 || Lz = 1.7118e-008
    101  || Lx = 6.3481e-006 || Ly = 1.7118e-008 || Lz = 6.8207e-005
    103 Moments of inertia (kilograms * square meters), taken at the output coordinate system:
    104  || Ix = 3.8374e-005 || Iy = -5.604e-008 || Iz = -4.2034e-005
    105  || Ix = -5.604e-008 || Iy = 0.00022405 || Iz = 1.3283e-007
    106  || Ix = -4.2034e-005 || Iy = 1.3283e-007 || Iz = 0.00020045
     94 || Ix = (-0.99149, -0.0047957, -0.13013)  || Px = 1.9838e-005
     95 || Iy = (0.13011, 0.0033343, -0.99149)  || Py = 6.904e-005
     96 || Iz = (0.0051888, -0.99998, -0.0026819)  || Pz = 7.4106e-005
     98Moments of inertia (kilograms * square meters), taken at the center of mass and aligned with the output coordinate system:
     99 || Lxx = 2.0672e-005 || Lxy = 2.6024e-007 || Lxz = 6.3481e-006
     100 || Lyx = 2.6024e-007 || Lyy = 7.4105e-005 || Lyz = 1.7118e-008
     101 || Lzx = 6.3481e-006 || Lzy = 1.7118e-008 || Lzz = 6.8207e-005
     103Moments of inertia (kilograms * square meters), taken at the output coordinate system:
     104 || Ixx = 3.8374e-005 || Ixy = -5.604e-008 || Ixz = -4.2034e-005
     105 || Iyx = -5.604e-008 || Iyy = 0.00022405 || Iyz = 1.3283e-007
     106 || Izx = -4.2034e-005 || Izy = 1.3283e-007 || Izz = 0.00020045
    108108== Mass Properties for Frame 2 (finger inner link frame) without fingertip torque sensor ==
    123123Principal axes of inertia and principal moments of inertia (kilograms * square meters), taken at the center of mass:
    124  || I = (-0.99971, -0.016746, 0.017324)  || P = 4.7372e-006
    125  || I = (0.016611, -0.99983, -0.007873)  || P = 4.1939e-005
    126  || I = (0.017453, -0.0075829, 0.99982)  || P = 4.3077e-005
    128 Moments of inertia (kilograms * square meters), taken at the center of mass and aligned with the output coordinate system:
    129  || Lx = 4.7592e-006 || Ly = 6.2295e-007 || Lz = -6.6417e-007
    130  || Lx = 6.2295e-007 || Ly = 4.1929e-005 || Lz = -2.1644e-009
    131  || Lx = -6.6417e-007 || Ly = -2.1644e-009 || Lz = 4.3066e-005
    133 Moments of inertia (kilograms * square meters), taken at the output coordinate system:
    134  || Ix = 4.8168e-006 || Iy = 1.6848e-006 || Iz = 4.6191e-008
    135  || Ix = 1.6848e-006 || Iy = 7.0281e-005 || Iz = 2.4457e-008
    136  || Ix = 4.6191e-008 || Iy = 2.4457e-008 || Iz = 7.144e-005
     124 || Ix = (-0.99971, -0.016746, 0.017324)  || Px = 4.7372e-006
     125 || Iy = (0.016611, -0.99983, -0.007873)  || Py = 4.1939e-005
     126 || Iz = (0.017453, -0.0075829, 0.99982)  || Pz = 4.3077e-005
     128Moments of inertia (kilograms * square meters), taken at the center of mass and aligned with the output coordinate system:
     129 || Lxx = 4.7592e-006 || Lxy = 6.2295e-007 || Lxz = -6.6417e-007
     130 || Lyx = 6.2295e-007 || Lyy = 4.1929e-005 || Lyz = -2.1644e-009
     131 || Lzx = -6.6417e-007 || Lzy = -2.1644e-009 || Lzz = 4.3066e-005
     133Moments of inertia (kilograms * square meters), taken at the output coordinate system:
     134 || Ixx = 4.8168e-006 || Ixy = 1.6848e-006 || Ixz = 4.6191e-008
     135 || Iyx = 1.6848e-006 || Iyy = 7.0281e-005 || Iyz = 2.4457e-008
     136 || Izx = 4.6191e-008 || Izy = 2.4457e-008 || Izz = 7.144e-005
    154154Principal axes of inertia and principal moments of inertia (kilograms * square meters), taken at the center of mass:
    155  || I = (-0.99972, -0.015048, 0.018278)  || P = 4.7942e-006
    156  || I = (0.014917, -0.99986, -0.0073066)  || P = 4.3325e-005
    157  || I = (0.018386, -0.0070319, 0.99981)  || P = 4.4454e-005
    159 Moments of inertia (kilograms * square meters), taken at the center of mass and aligned with the output coordinate system:
    160  || Lx = 4.8162e-006 || Ly = 5.7981e-007 || Lz = -7.2483e-007
    161  || Lx = 5.7981e-007 || Ly = 4.3317e-005 || Lz = -2.6653e-009
    162  || Lx = -7.2483e-007 || Ly = -2.6653e-009 || Lz = 4.4441e-005
    164 Moments of inertia (kilograms * square meters), taken at the output coordinate system:
    165  || Ix = 4.872e-006 || Iy = 1.7103e-006 || Iz = 3.4041e-008
    166  || Ix = 1.7103e-006 || Iy = 7.6588e-005 || Iz = 2.3133e-008
    167  || Ix = 3.4041e-008 || Iy = 2.3133e-008 || Iz = 7.7733e-005
     155 || Ix = (-0.99972, -0.015048, 0.018278)  || Px = 4.7942e-006
     156 || Iy = (0.014917, -0.99986, -0.0073066)  || Py = 4.3325e-005
     157 || Iz = (0.018386, -0.0070319, 0.99981)  || Pz = 4.4454e-005
     159Moments of inertia (kilograms * square meters), taken at the center of mass and aligned with the output coordinate system:
     160 || Lxx = 4.8162e-006 || Lxy = 5.7981e-007 || Lxz = -7.2483e-007
     161 || Lyx = 5.7981e-007 || Lyy = 4.3317e-005 || Lyz = -2.6653e-009
     162 || Lzx = -7.2483e-007 || Lzy = -2.6653e-009 || Lzz = 4.4441e-005
     164Moments of inertia (kilograms * square meters), taken at the output coordinate system:
     165 || Ixx = 4.872e-006 || Ixy = 1.7103e-006 || Ixz = 3.4041e-008
     166 || Iyx = 1.7103e-006 || Iyy = 7.6588e-005 || Iyz = 2.3133e-008
     167 || Izx = 3.4041e-008 || Izy = 2.3133e-008 || Izz = 7.7733e-005
    185185Principal axes of inertia and principal moments of inertia (kilograms * square meters), taken at the center of mass:
    186  || I = (-0.99921, -0.032055, 0.023536) || P = 3.0842e-006
    187  || I = (0.023767, -0.0068431, 0.99969)  || P = 1.568e-005
    188  || I = (-0.031884, 0.99946, 0.0075995)  || P = 1.6826e-005
    190 Moments of inertia (kilograms * square meters), taken at the center of mass and aligned with the output coordinate system:
    191  || Lx = 3.1053e-006 || Ly = 4.3996e-007 || Lz = -2.9595e-007
    192  || Lx = 4.3996e-007 || Ly = 1.6812e-005 || Lz = -1.8205e-008
    193  || Lx = -2.9595e-007 || Ly = -1.8205e-008 || Lz = 1.5673e-005
    195 Moments of inertia (kilograms * square meters), taken at the output coordinate system:
    196  || Ix = 3.1582e-006 || Iy = 1.4308e-006 || Iz = 1.0106e-007
    197  || Ix = 1.4308e-006 || Iy = 3.8376e-005 || Iz = 0
    198  || Ix = 1.0106e-007 || Iy = 0 || Iz = 3.7275e-005
     186 || Ix = (-0.99921, -0.032055, 0.023536) || Px = 3.0842e-006
     187 || Iy = (0.023767, -0.0068431, 0.99969)  || Py = 1.568e-005
     188 || Iz = (-0.031884, 0.99946, 0.0075995)  || Pz = 1.6826e-005
     190Moments of inertia (kilograms * square meters), taken at the center of mass and aligned with the output coordinate system:
     191 || Lxx = 3.1053e-006 || Lxy = 4.3996e-007 || Lxz = -2.9595e-007
     192 || Lyx = 4.3996e-007 || Lyy = 1.6812e-005 || Lyz = -1.8205e-008
     193 || Lzx = -2.9595e-007 || Lzy = -1.8205e-008 || Lzz = 1.5673e-005
     195Moments of inertia (kilograms * square meters), taken at the output coordinate system:
     196 || Ixx = 3.1582e-006 || Ixy = 1.4308e-006 || Ixz = 1.0106e-007
     197 || Iyx = 1.4308e-006 || Iyy = 3.8376e-005 || Iyz = 0
     198 || Izx = 1.0106e-007 || Izy = 0 || Izz = 3.7275e-005
    216216Principal axes of inertia and principal moments of inertia (kilograms * square meters), taken at the center of mass:
    217  || I = (-0.99919, -0.032581, 0.023483)  || P = 3.0982e-006
    218  || I = (0.023724, -0.0070039, 0.99969)  || P = 1.5816e-005
    219  || I = (-0.032406, 0.99944, 0.0077712)  || P = 1.6962e-005
    221 Moments of inertia (kilograms * square meters), taken at the center of mass and aligned with the output coordinate system:
    222  || Lx = 3.1199e-006 || Ly = 4.5115e-007 || Lz = -2.9813e-007
    223  || Lx = 4.5115e-007 || Ly = 1.6948e-005 || Lz = -1.8635e-008
    224  || Lx = -2.9813e-007 || Ly = -1.8635e-008 || Lz = 1.5809e-005
    226 Moments of inertia (kilograms * square meters), taken at the output coordinate system:
    227  || Ix = 3.1752e-006 || Iy = 1.4779e-006 || Iz = 1.0106e-007
    228  || Ix = 1.4779e-006 || Iy = 3.8897e-005 || Iz = 0
    229  || Ix = 1.0106e-007 || Iy = 0 || Iz = 3.78e-005
     217 || Ix = (-0.99919, -0.032581, 0.023483)  || Px = 3.0982e-006
     218 || Iy = (0.023724, -0.0070039, 0.99969)  || Py = 1.5816e-005
     219 || Iz = (-0.032406, 0.99944, 0.0077712)  || Pz = 1.6962e-005
     221Moments of inertia (kilograms * square meters), taken at the center of mass and aligned with the output coordinate system:
     222 || Lxx = 3.1199e-006 || Lxy = 4.5115e-007 || Lxz = -2.9813e-007
     223 || Lyx = 4.5115e-007 || Lyy = 1.6948e-005 || Lyz = -1.8635e-008
     224 || Lzx = -2.9813e-007 || Lzy = -1.8635e-008 || Lzz = 1.5809e-005
     226Moments of inertia (kilograms * square meters), taken at the output coordinate system:
     227 || Ixx = 3.1752e-006 || Ixy = 1.4779e-006 || Ixz = 1.0106e-007
     228 || Iyx = 1.4779e-006 || Iyy = 3.8897e-005 || Iyz = 0
     229 || Izx = 1.0106e-007 || Izy = 0 || Izz = 3.78e-005