WAM Auto-Tensioning Procedure (bt-wam-autotension)
As of Libbarrett-1.2.0, an automated WAM tensioning procedure has been introduced. This procedure is advised to be run at every ~80 hours of WAM usage, elongating cable life by eliminating cable slack from being introduced over prolonged usage.
This procedure is capable of tensioning the WAMs joints 1-4 (4-DOF) or joints 1-6 (7-DOF). It will tension multiple joints simultaneously whenever possible.
Note: WAMs with serial numbers < 5 and WAM wrists with serial numbers < 9 are not eligible for autotensioning.
Before running the application, please make sure the WAM's power is turned on and the controllers are powered on by pressing Shift-Idle on the control pendant.
Tensioning all available joints
The default options for the autotensioning procedure (no arguments) is to tension all of the available joints.
Please follow the on-screen instructions to complete the autotensioning procedure.
Tension specified joints
Arguments describing the joints you would like to be tensioned can be provided as arguments.
bt-wam-autotension 1 4
Will tension joints 1 & 4 only. Please follow the on-screen instructions to complete the autotensioning procedure.