This is how the max torque (MT) values are set for each Puck motor controller:

         /* Notes: 
          * 1 Amp = 1024 puck torque units
          * Puck torques are saturated at 8191 by the communications layer
          * Cable limits were chosen to be approx 20% of the rated breaking strength
          * Motor             1      2      3      4      5      6      7
          * Stall (Nm)       1.490  1.490  1.490  1.490  0.356  0.356  0.091
          * Peak (Nm)        6.31   6.31   6.31   6.31   1.826  1.826  0.613
          * Cable limit (Nm) 1.8    1.8    1.8    1.6    0.6    0.6    N/A
          * Nm/A -published  0.457  0.457  0.457  0.457  0.236  0.236  0.067
          * Nm/A -actual     0.379  0.379  0.379  0.379  0.157  0.157  0.058
          * MT value         4860   4860   4860   4320   3900   3900   3200
          * Example: 
          * What should the motor 3 Max Torque (MT) be set to in order to not
          * exceeed the designed cable limit?
          * (1.8 Nm) / (0.379 Nm/A) * (1024 Units/A) = 4863

Last modified 11 years ago Last modified on May 10, 2013, 4:30:24 PM