Version 1 (modified by dc, 12 years ago) (diff)


Barrett-ros-pkg Installation Instructions

Install barrett-ros-pkg on WAM Control PC

These instructions assume a ROS installation on a Barrett WAM control PC.
WAM ROS Installation Instructions

#Check out the latest barrett-ros-pkg into your ROS Workspace

svn co barrett-ros-pkg

Please note the stacks within the repository:


This package contains the portions of the barrett-ros-pkg required for both the WAMs real-time control PC and interfacing PCs.

wam_msgs - Contains messages for the 'real-time' interface with the wam_node. The wam_node subscribes to the messages within this directory.

wam_srvs - Contains WAM and BarrettHand specific services such as joint, cartesian, and pose position and velocity commands as well as other useful services.

wam_teleop - Contains a simple joy teleoperation for control of the WAM arm and BarrettHand.


This package contains the portions of the barrett-ros-pkg specific to the WAM robot.

wam_node - The libbarrett wrapper exposing various functionality of the WAM and BarrettHand to ROS.

# To launch the wam_node
roslaunch wam_node wam_node 

To view available services and messages.

rostopic list
rosservice list

Compilation - Assumes an installation of the latest libbarrett software.

roscd wam_node

Install barrett-ros-pkg on another ROS PC

#Check out the latest barrett-ros-pkg into your ROS Workspace

svn co barrett-ros-pkg

Configuration of the ROS environment will allow for control of the WAM through the available services and messages provided by the wam_node.

The only stack necessary to develop an interface to these exposed messages and services is wam_common.

For more information on configuring your ROS environment:
ROS Environment Configuration
ROS Environment Variables

Further documentation and tutorials coming soon to